#1 Cheerfy Bites - Grupo Nomo rewards customer loyalty with an exclusive dinner.

Grupo Nomo | Clan Nomo

February is the month of relationships, and what better way to celebrate than with Grupo Nomo giving a #masterclass on how to democratize and take customer relationships to the next level.

The four founders of the brand organized the most anticipated dinner for members of the Nomo Clan, held at one of their flagship restaurants, Sarrià, and attended by the most loyal customers: those at level 4 or Natives. In addition to getting to know each other and sharing a table with the four founders of the brand, guests had the opportunity to exclusively taste and evaluate the new menu, experiencing a top-notch gastronomic journey as a reward for their loyalty to the group.

Initiatives like this serve as a tangible demonstration of how to use #RDX to make human connections even more authentic and valuable, bridging the gap between customers and brands.

How can one attend the next Clan Nomo dinner?

Anyone interested in experiencing this event in its next edition simply needs to register with the Clan Nomo and start accumulating Nomocoins by progressing through the levels of Confidant, Advisor, and Mentor to reach the Native status.

Grupo Nomo is clear about the strategies within its loyalty plan that yield the best results. "Our customers value the experience and the ability to access exclusive products and spaces more than discounts." This principle has allowed them to enhance their relationship with customers, and after a year of operation, the Nomo Clan has attracted nearly 20,000 customers to its ranks.

Borja Molina-Martell, Grupo

Nomo´s CEO

Borja revealed the essence of their loyalty plan: "The Nomo Clan is the key that grants access to privileges exclusively available to the most loyal members: exclusive gifts, recipes, and even unique experiences such as a Masterclass with our chef, Naoyuki Haginoya."

In essence, we are talking about experiential loyalty beyond the transactional, where the brand's involvement and the intention to provide tangible value to the customer experience are key ingredients to exponentially increase the potential of digitalization tools.

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